Holistic Health and Wellness for the Whole Family
Supporting your body, mind, and spirit back into balance no matter what ails you.
Acupuncture * Herbs * Intuitive Counseling * Functional Medicine
Palliative Care * Massage *
Hospice Care * Women's Health and Pregnancy
Pediatrics * Pets * Seniors * Veterans
All are Welcome
Healing Services
Sahara's Sanctuary or Online
Locations: Berea, Kentucky and Maui, Hawaii
Five Element Acupuncture and East Asian Medicine
Five Element Acupuncture is a specialty within East Asian Medicine to addresses the entire person, releasing trauma, and old injuries. Other forms of East Asian Medicine, including needle-free, are also used during your private session.
Whole Health Counseling
Any issue you or your loved one are dealing with involves emotional and spiritual pain. Receive a present space to uncover the missing pieces you need to transform with tools to empower your life.
Holistic Health and Functional Medicine
Gain a comprehensive understanding of your medical diagnosis from a holistic and intuitive perspective. Naturopathic support with healing protocols, herbal prescriptions, supplements, and additional lab testing to fully understand your health needs.
Meeting and working with you truly transformed me and began a healing journey that I continue on today. Your guidance, compassion, and wisdom opened doors for me that have forever changed the course of my life."
Wynn, California, USA
She exudes the astute integrity of a leader, innate gifts of a shamanic heart, body, and soul healer; the refined skill of a craftswoman, and the hard-won timeless wisdom of a Sage. Most importantly though, she has helped guide me back to my own self."
Zanni, Montana USA
All of this combined healing has accelerated my personal growth resulting in increased success and happiness in all areas of my life."
Amy B, Washington USA
Healing Since 2007
Artistic Expressions, a Teaching Memoir, and Online Learning
Heart Broke Open was written for a person going through a major life crisis and they don't know how to navigate. My journey to heal Lyme disease using my body, mind, and spirit to do so is vulnerable and shared in this educational memoir.
I didn't know I could paint until a neurologist told me that I needed to heal my brain from Lyme Disease. These paintings are what have come from my healing journey. I offer them to help inspire you with yours.
The ancient teachings of Chinese medicine can be applied to our daily lives to foster balance, harmony, and a thriving life. Online classes with video tutorials create a virtual experience that will get you on a path of self discovery, healing, and new perspectives
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